“Angels are a part of most religions. In fact, every belief system I’m aware of mentions some sort of spiritual presence or being either in their texts or oral tradition. The Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism, and Islam) all mention angels. It gets even cooler, though—Buddhism, Hinduism, and Japanese Shintoism mention spiritual beings who are able to move through the air.” —Kyle Gray

Angel Card Readings

Your angels have a message for you.

Whatever is on your mind the angels can speak to you through a Rose Gold Reiki Love Angel Card Reading.

Inquire about life’s big questions and find support with difficult transitions while gaining more clarity on the next steps of your journey.

Together we will connect with your angels and the Archangels and discover what they want you to know in a safe and loving space.

What are Angels?

Angels aren’t exactly what we see in books, TV & Movies. If you were to see an angel in person, their appearance might surprise you! Angels are energetic beings whose mission is to love us, protect us, guide us in a gentle way and give us direct messages from God, The Creator, The Universe, Source or whatever you call it, him or her. Angels can speak to us in many ways, through nature, animals, numbers, gut feelings and intuition, chills and through angel card readings.


Types of Readings

  • 60 Minutes: Personality & Present Feelings Reading (8 Card Spread)

  • 60 Minutes: Home Life & Family/Relationships & Romance/Career & Purpose Reading (9 Card Spread)

  • 30 Minutes: General Reading/Specific Questions (3 Card Spread per Question) 

During a reading all you have to do is sit back and relax. We will start with a prayer to call the angels in, then I intuitively pick the cards for you, followed by the card reading.

I welcome an open dialog during or at the end of the reading and I'll ask you how each card resonates with you. I follow up with a photo of your spread and notes about each card that you can meditate on afterwards.

Currently, I work with the Angel Prayers Oracle deck that connects directly with Archangel energy but also includes messages from your guardian angels.

Marisa Millerick is certified in Kyle Gray’s Angel Card Mastery training and adheres to the code of practice and agreement of Angel Team.

“Angels are miracle-workers. They’ll remove the barriers around your heart and help you align with your true self—the self that loves and is loved.” -Kyle Gray