Reiki Healing Energy

“Reiki feels like a spiritual bubble bath to me! It cocoons me in a warm and purifying energy that makes me feel safe, relaxed and comforted.”

—Marisa Millerick, Certified Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Master Practitioner


What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction & relaxation that promotes healing for the mind, body & soul.

  • Rei (ray) means spiritual wisdom

  • Ki means life energy

As your Reiki Practitioner, I am a channel for the divinely guided energy.

The life force energy is administered by "laying on hands" or from a distance anywhere in the world.

Reiki has been used in hospitals all of the world to bring comfort to people suffering from all types of ailments, but you don’t have to be suffering to benefit from reiki’s healing energy. It is excellent form of preventative care before an illness even manifests in the body.


Benefits of Reiki:

  • Reduces symptoms of anxiety + depression

  • Enables emotional clarity + spiritual growth

  • Self-care + self-love tool

  • Eases pain of the body, mind + soul

  • Increases white blood cell production

  • Aligns chakras

  • Calms the mind & boosts creativity & intuition

What is a Spirit Release?

We all have the right to sovereignty of our bodies but sometimes we can pick up energies from a toxic environment, traumatic event or even just from doing our weekly shopping at the grocery store.

Because of this, you don’t have to be hanging out in graveyards to pick up something. Regardless of the spirits intent, spirit attachments can cause physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health issues.

The Holy Fire® Reiki Spirit Release is a compassionate and gentle way to send spirits of all types into the light of grace, forgiveness and God’s love, where they will be healed and released from the client.

This process releases any vows, oaths, cures or promises, spoken or unspoken in this life, other lifetimes, through ancestral lineage and at any time in the client’s soul’s history where it is connected to the spirit(s).

I highly recommend trying the Spirit Release along with your reiki session. It is a very powerful and gentle process that can cause clients to feel lighter and more peaceful in their own bodies.