Frequently Asked Questions

How do virtual reiki sessions work? Are they as powerful as in person sessions?

Think of reiki energy healing as Wi-Fi or Cell Service without any boundaries. No matter where you are in the world, you will have full bars when it comes to reiki’s signal. I work directly with universal life force energy which is within every human, plant and animal. I have found that distance reiki sessions can be just as powerful, if not more powerful, than in person sessions because your body and mind can truly relax in your own home while receiving the energy healing.

Are there any side effects from reiki?

Reiki cannot harm but everyone reacts to a session differently. Energy can be released in many ways through yawning, burping, stomach gargles, tears and beyond. Some clients fall asleep during a session which is wonderful. After a session, many people experience detox symptoms from reiki as well as extreme relaxation and fatigue. Listen to your body and give it the rest it is asking for. Hydrate with a lot of purified filtered water to aid in the toxin release process.

How can I prepare for my reiki session and/or angel card reading?

During your session, I suggest that you video chat with me from a peaceful space in your home where you feel most comfortable and can lay down. Many clients prefer their beds.

Set the self-love mood with cozy blankets, a sleep mask & gentle music. Optional: Candles, crystals, burning sage or palo santo—all of these spiritual tools can really raise the vibration of the experience and healing energy and angel card reading. Angels love candles!

Do you offer group sessions or events?

Currently, I prefer to do one-on-one virtual sessions. I am open to discuss group sessions or events if I am provided with a private space to give individual Angel Card Readings or Reiki energy healing sessions. Also, I only work with clients who are not under the influence of alcohol as this can disrupt the energy flow and connection with angels.

Do you teach reiki?

If you are interested in learning reiki, let me know! If I find many people are interested in learning reiki from me, I will create & schedule a class.

Are you a psychic?

I truly believe that we all are born with psychic abilities and can develop our extra sensory skills. I consider myself a channel, empath and a Highly Sensitive Person or HSP.

How many reiki sessions do I need?

Think of reiki energy healing as a massage. One massage feels amazing and will create a huge shift, however because of outside stressors and just everyday life the tension creeps back. Personally, I receive reiki on a monthly basis and when I first began every other week. My suggestion is you find a reiki schedule that works with your budget and energetic needs.

Do I have to believe in God or a higher power to receive reiki or an angel card reading?

Reiki honors all faiths including atheism and agnosticism. Reiki is not a religion, it is a healing modality that works with universal life force energy. It does not discriminate or care what someone believes. Some people believe universal life force energy is God and some do not.

However, I do use terms like God, Jesus, Holy Spirit and Holy Fire in my spirit release sessions and I like to let clients know in advance in case someone is dealing with religious trauma. I can also do the entire session on mute for people who want to try it out but would rather not hear the actual prayers.

For an angel card reading, I ask that my clients have an open mind and heart. Angels can only help and support people who ask for it. Some of the Archangels that I work with are mentioned in religious texts and some are not. It can help if you believe in God because angels are considered to be direct messengers from God, the creator, the universe, whatever you call it, him or her.